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front of him he found a large placard in a frame:

THIS SHOP IS HAUNTED by the ghosts

Of all great literature, in hosts;
We sell no fakes or trashes.
Lovers of books are welcome here,
No clerks will babble in your ear,
Please smoke--but don't drop ashes!

Browse as long as you like.
Prices of all books plainly marked.
If you want to ask questions, you'll find the proprietor where the tobacco smoke is thickest. We pay cash for books.
We have what you want, though you may not know you want it. ☞ Malnutrition of the reading faculty is a serious thing. Let us prescribe for you.


The shop had a warm and comfortable obscurity, a kind of drowsy dusk, stabbed here and there by bright cones of yellow light from green-shaded electrics. There was an all-pervasive drift of tobacco smoke, which eddied and fumed under the glass lamp shades. Passing down a narrow aisle between the alcoves the visitor noticed that some of the compartments were wholly in darkness;