Page:The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps.djvu/113

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I 20th Field Artillery, Thirty-second Division. Died of pneumonia at Louisville, Ky.,

on October 14, 1918.

��1st Lt. PAUL K. LE BARON

��Lieutenant LeBaron v^^as born in Ad- rian, Mich., on May 12, 1885. He was educated in the public schools of Evans- ville. Wis., and Northwestern University. Upon completion of his studies he entered the employ of the Hotel La Salle of Chi- cago, which position he resigned to enter the Second Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, where he was assigned to the 6th Battery. Being commissioned, he was ordered overseas, sailing on December 21, 1917, as a casual officer. Upon ar- rival in France he was given further train- ing in the artillery school at Samur; he then v^fas assigned to the I 20th Field Ar- tillery, with which regiment he served until September, 1918, when he was re- turned to the United States as an in- structor. He Avas promoted to a first lieutenancy and was helping to train a ne-w battery at Camp Knox, West Point, Ky., when he became sick with influenza which later developed into pneumonia, and caused his death after a four days' illness. Lieutenant LeBaron was married on September 17, 1911, to Miss Katharine Gaynor of Evanston, 111., who, with two children, Paul Keith, Jr., aged five years, and Katharine May, aged three years, survive and reside in Evanston, 111. Lieutenant Le- Baron's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ira LeBaron, cf Berwyn, HI., are also living.


Headquarters Detachment, Base Section No. 4, Q. M. C. Died in hospital at LeHavre,

France, on December 24, 1918.

��Lieutenant Lee was born in Sherry, Wis., on May 10, 1886. He was educated in the public schools of Marshfield, Wis., and then entered the employ of the Be- low Lumber Company of Marinetta, Wis., as a salesman, which position he re- linquished at the outbreak of war to enter the First Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, where he was assigned to the 9th Company. Upon receiving his com- mission he was ordered to Camp Custer. He then v^ras ordered to Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla., for instruction in the Quartermaster Department. After finish- ing this course he was assigned to Fort Sam Houston, then to Camp Stanley, and finally to Camp Merritt. Lieutenant Lee sailed for France in the latter part of September, 1918. Upon arrival overseas, he was made Base Property Officer and finally was assigned as Base Salvage Offi- cer. He was taken ill while performing this duty and died on December 24. He was unmarried. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, v^rho survive him, reside in Marshfield, Wis., where his father is engaged in the lumber business.




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