Page:The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps.djvu/145

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Company B, I 8th Infantry, First Division. Killed in action at Cantigny, France, on May 10, 1918.


��Lieutenant Rosequist was born in Evan- ston. 111., on October 7, 1893. He was educated in the public schools of that city, then entering the Lockport, 111., High School, after which he studied at Lombard College, Galesburg, 111., grad- uating in 1916. He then became an in- structor in the Lewiston, 111., High School, which position he relinquished at the outbreak of war to enter the First Offi- cers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, where he was assigned to the 4th Com- pany. On receipt of his commission he was ordered overseas, sailing on Septem- ber 1, 1917. Upon arriving in France, Lieutenant Rosequist w^as sent to a Brit- ish school for further instruction and then took courses at both American and French schools. Upon completion of the instruction periods he was assigned to the I 8th Infantry as an intelligence officer of the First Battalion. While acting in the capacity of company commander in the Cantigny sector, May 10, 1918, he was struck by a piece of high explosive shell, dying a few hours later. He was unmar- ried. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Rosequist, 1113 Grant street, Evanston, 111., survive.

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Company C, I 1 th Infantry, Fifth Division. Died of pneumonia at Chicago, III.

on April 19, 1919.

��Lieutenant Runyan was born in Frank- fort, Ky., on August 23, 1885. He grad- uated from the Norborne, Mo., high school in I 904 and then entered the employ of the James Clark Leather Company of St. Louis, Mo., as a salesman. He attended West Point Military Academy previous to his admittance to the Second Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan. He was a member of the Fifth Company of the Second Camp and received a commission upon completion of the course. He v^ras ordered to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., on De- cember 15, 1917, and assigned to the I ! th Infantry, with which regiment he sailed for France on April 19, 1918. He was twice wounded. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for bravery. Lieutenant Runyan was returned to the States on a hospital ship and died from the effects of gas on April 19, 1919. Lieutenant Runyan was married on June 18, 1909. Besides his widow, Mrs. Elise D. Runyan, of Chicago, 111., he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Runyan, of Norborne, Mo.



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