Page:The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps.djvu/156

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6th Battery, 2ncl O. R. T. C. Killed in an accident at Fort Sheridan, 111. on September 17, 1917,


��Candidate Stephens was born in Peter- boro, Ont., Can., on. November 20, 1892. He was educated in the public schools of Chicago, later entering Lewis Institute and then taking a course in the Kent College of Law, graduating in 1915. He then became a member of the lav^ firm of Osborn, Cloude & Stephens. At the outbreak of war he was admitted to the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sher- idan and after a few w^eeks in the in- fantry w^as assigned to the 3rd Battery. Ow^ing to the short course of instruction he secured in the First Camp artillery sec- tion, he was held over for the Second Camp and assigned to the 6th Battery. During a maneuver on September 1 7, 1917, he was thrown from a horse and instantly killed. He was unmarried. Can- didate Stephens is survived by his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stephens, of 225 Lorel avenue, Chicago, 111.


Company A, i27th Infantry, Thirty-second Division. Killed in action near Fismes, France, on August 6, 1918.

��Lieutenant Stubbs w^as born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on September 21, 1887. He was educated in the public schools of that city. Upon his graduating from high school he entered the St. Paul School of Law, graduating in 1912. He then be- came affiliated with the Royal Indemnity Co., of London as an attorney, which work he gave up to enter the Second Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, 1 2th Company. Receiving his commission he was ordered overseas, sailing in January, 1918. In France, Lieutenant Stubbs was given further military training in A. E. F. schools and then assigned to the 12 7th Infantry, with which regiment he met death from shell fire while leading his pla- toon near Fismes. He was unmarried. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stubbs, of Des Moines, Iowa, survive.


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