Page:The history of Grand-Pre by Herbin, John Frederic.djvu/188

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system. This is probably the most northerly outcrop of the Newark system of New Jersey and other New England States.

It is to be hoped that careful search will reveal reptilian and other remains. Long Island and Evangeline Beach are made up for the most part of the triassic sandstone.


The more recent underlying geological formation, including the "boulder clays" and "till" of the glacial period, followed by the marine clays and sands of later date, together with a careful study of the various phenomena characterizing these two important periods in the later physiographic geologic history of the Basin of Minas, afford excellent opportunity for study of a very attractive type.

The most fossiliferous localities in the neighborhood of Wolfville are Angus and Trenholm Brooks, Gaspereau Valley, Horton Shore, from Avonport Station to Blue Beach; and if an enthusiastic student of marine fossils desires to examine one of the most fossiliferous limestones of carboniferous age he has only to visit Miller's Lime Kiln and quarry and other outcrops of limestone near Windsor.