Page:The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances 2.djvu/419

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in Elis or in any other part of Europe so early as the time of Pausanias, nor indeed until a comparatively recent age.

III. Forster (p. 69-71.) considers the testimony of Herodotus, that the embalmed bodies of the dead were wrapt in fillets of Byssus, as decisive in favor of his opinion, because those fillets are found on examination to be all cotton. It is presumed that the preceding testimony, proves that so far as they have been examined, in the only way which can settle the dispute, they are found universally to be linen.

Of Forster's celebrated work it may be observed in general, that he rather from the very beginning assumes his point, than endeavors to prove it. He continually speaks of it as demonstrated. Nevertheless the only arguments which can be found in his book, are those already stated. Little as these arguments amount to in opposition to the evidence, which has now been brought forward on the other side of the question, we find that the most learned authors since Forster's time, and especially since the same opinion was embraced by Blumenbach, have generally been content to adopt it. But, although such eminent names as those of Porson[1], Dr. Thomas Young[2], Mr. Hamilton[3], Dr. T. M. Harris[4], Mr. Wellbeloved[5], E. H. Barker[6], Dr. A. Granville[7], Jomard[8], Wehrs[9], J. H. Voss[10], Heeren[11], Sprengel[12], Billerbeck[13], Gesenius[14], E. F. K. Rosenmuller[15], and Roselini[16], stand arrayed against the evidence now.

  1. In his translation of the Rosetta Inscription, Clarke's Greek Marbles, p. 63.
  2. Account of Discoveries in Hieroglyphic Literature, p. 101. 114.
  3. Ægyptiaca, p. 321.
  4. Natural History of the Bible, 2nd edition, p. 447.
  5. Translation of the Bible, Gen. xli. 42.
  6. Classical Recreations.
  7. As quoted at p. 364.
  8. Déscription des Hypogées, p. 35.
  9. Vom Papier, p. 201.
  10. Virgil's Ländliche Gedichte, iii. p. 313.
  11. Ideen über die Politik, &c.
  12. Historia Rei Herbariæ, tom. i. c. i. p. 15.
  13. Flora Classica, p. 177.
  14. Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus, v. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)
  15. Biblische Alterthumskunde, 4. l. p. 175.
  16. Monumenti dell' Egitto. Mon. Civili, tomo. i. Pisa, 1834, capo. iv. § 6.