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introduction v
list of illustrations xi
mediæval pleasure-craft and early dutch yachts 1

Pleasure-craft of antiquity—Purple sails of royalty—Galley of Tyre—Cleopatra—Galley race described by Virgil—Yachting began with the rise of the Dutch Republic—Victories of Hein, Von Tromp, and Ruyter—Yachts belonging to the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, and Maurice of Nassau, younger son of William the Silent—Review of yachts in honor of Queen Mary of France—State yachts—Admiralty yachts—Dutch East India Company's yachts—Yacht parades—Mock battles—Peter the Great—Evolution of the sloop—The Peruvian balsa—First embodiment of the centre-board—Distant voyages and exploits of armed Dutch yachts.

holland and new netherland 32

Henry Hudson and the yacht Half Moon—Hudson arrives at Sandy Hook and explores the North River—Voyage of Captain Adriaen Block, 1613—He loses the Tiger and builds the yacht Onrust, at Manhattan—Explores the Sound and discovers Block Island—Yachts of the Dutch West India Company—Yachts built and repaired in New Netherland—Lines of the Sparrow Hawk, wrecked on Cape Cod about 1620 and exhumed in 1863.

king charles ii. returns to england 44

Prince Henry's pleasure ship Disdain, 1604—Shipbuilding, an "art or mystery"—Famous ships of this period—Origin of the frigate—Naval wars—Embarkation of Charles II., 1660, in a yacht owned by the Prince of Orange—Thirteen yachts in the cortège—The King re-embarks and lands in England—The Restoration.
