Page:The humbugs of the world - An account of humbugs, delusions, impositions, quackeries, deceits and deceivers generally, in all ages (IA humbugsworld00barnrich).djvu/16

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Chapter XIII.Demonstrations by “Sampson” Under a Table.—A Medium Who Is Handy with Her Feet.—Exposé of Another Operator in Dark Circles. 102
Chapter XIV.Spiritual Photographing.—Colorado Jewett and the Spirit-Photographs of General Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, Napoleon Bonaparte, Etc.—A Lady Of Distinction Seeks and Finds a Spiritual Photograph of Her Deceased Infant, and Her Dead Brother Who Was Yet Alive.—How It Was Done. 109
Chapter XV.Banner of Light.—Messages from the Dead.—Spiritual Civilities.—Spirit “Hollering.”—Hans von Vleet, The Female Dutchman.—Mrs. Conant’s “Circles.”—Paine’s Table-Tipping Humbug Exposed. 119
Chapter XVI.Spiritualist Humbugs Waking Up.—Foster Heard From.—S. B. Brittan Heard From.—The Boston Artists and Their Spiritual Portraits.—The Washington Medium and His Spiritual Hands.—The Davenport Brothers and the Sea-Captain’s Wheat-Flour.—The Davenport Brothers Roughly Shown Up by John Bull.—How a Shingle “Stumped” the Spirits. 130
Chapter XVII.The Davenport Brothers Shown Up Once More.—Dr. Newton at Chicago.—The Spiritualist Bogus Baby.—A Lady Brings Forth a Motive Force.—“Gum” Arabic.—Spiritualist Hebrew.—The Allen Boy.—Dr. Randall.—Portland Evening Courier.—The Fools Not All Dead Yet. 145
III. Trade and Business Impositions.
Chapter XVIII.Adulterations of Food.—Adulterations of Liquor.—The Colonel’s Whiskey.—The Humbugometer. 152
Chapter XIX.Adulterations in Drinks.—Riding Home on Your Wine-Barrel.—List of Things to Make Rum.—Things to Color It With.—Canal-Boat Hash.—English Adulteration Law.—Effects of Drugs Used.—How To Use Them.—Buying Liquors Under the Custom-House Lock.—A Homœopathic Dose. 160
Chapter XX.The Peter Funks and Their Functions.—The Rural Divine and the Watch.—Rise and Progress of Mock Auctions.—Their Decline and Fall. 167
Chapter XXI.Lottery Sharks.—Boult and His Brothers.—Kenneth, Kimball and Company.—A More Central Location Wanted for Business.—Two Seventeenth-Lies.—Strange Coincidence. 175