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have upon the question, and this we are going to deal with in the next part.


The Regulating of the Yangtze River

The regulating of the Yangtze River may be divided as follows:

a. From the deep-water line of the sea to Whangpoo Junction.

b. From Whangpoo Junction to Kiangyin.

c. From Kiangyin to Wuhu.

d. From Wuhu to Tungliu.

e. From Tungliu to Wusueh.

f. From Wusuch to Hankow.

a. Regulating of the Estuary from Deep-water Line Up to the Junction of Whangpoo

It is a natural law that the obstruction to navigation in all rivers is begun at their mouths, therefore the improvement of any river for navigation must start from the estuary. The Yangtze River is no exception to this rule, therefore to regulate the Yangtze, we must begin by dealing with its estuaries.

The Yangtze has three estuaries, namely: The North Branch lying between the left bank and the Island of Tsungming, the North Channel lying between the Tsungming Island and the Tungsha Banks and the South Channel lying between the Tungsha Banks and