Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/15

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CONTENTS. XI Chapter I. — continued. XXIV. State of tilings ill the ivdoiilit, 142 Battery on the higlier slopes of the hill brought to hear on (jur men, 143 Our men lodge themselves outside the parapet, . .144 The forces gathered against them, . . . . . .145 Warlike indignation of the IJussian infantry on the Kourgane Hill, 145 Movement of the Ouglitz eolunin, 14t> Advance of the Vladimir column, ...... 147 Confusing rumours amongst our soldiery, . . . .151 Unauthentic orders and signals to the men, .... 151 A bugler sounds the ' retire,' . ...... 154 Double motive for remaining where they were, . . . 154 Conference of officers at the parapet, . . . . .155 Their fate, 155 The ' retire ' again sounded, ....... 155 Our soldiery retreat from the redoubt, 156 Losses of the regiments which stormed the work, . . . 157 XXV. Cause which paralysed the Kussians in the of their suc- cess, 159 Apparition of horsemen on a knoll in the midst of the liushian position, .......... 1()3 The road which Lord Kaghin took when he had ordered Ihc advance of his in fantr}-, . . . . . . .165 Lord Raglan's position on the knuU, ..... 171 His instant apprehension of the adaiilage gained, . . . 173 His appeal for a coujile of guns, ...... 174 Progress of the battle then going on under his eyes, . . 175 A French aide-de-camp on the knoll, ..... 176 His mission, . . . . . . . . . .176 Lord Kaglan's way with him, ....... 177 XXVi. Causes of the depression whirh had come upon the French, . 178 Operations on the Telegraph Height, 178