Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/222

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19G BATTLE OF TIIH ALMA. CHAP, of a niiie-pouiider gun sounding I'lom a very now " quarter — sounding from somewhere among the Giinsiirani knolls and broken ground on his right front, and irsiniluliin; . , , /• i 7 1 • • ■ rni irnin the in the heart of the laissum })osition. the nre knoll : 11-111 1 1 1 /-i vas repeated. Ji,vans keenly watched the Cause- way batteries in his front. And not in vain, for again the nine-poiuuhir was h.eard, and there fol- thcirvisiiiio ](jvcd tluit sort of chaiige in the liussian batteries ('(reel 11111)11 "^ -in the Cause- which seciiicd to show that they were under fire wr.y bat- . . "^ teiies. — under fire coming llankwise from the west. Again and again the lire of the nine-pouiuler was r(.'peaied. The sound came from a quarter to which it was to be ex])octed that the French might liave reached ; l)ut some, they say, fancied and said, 'That is an English gun!' AVhoever so spake had an ear for the music of battle, the nine- pounder thus heard being one of the two that Lord llaglan had brought up to the knoll. A busy change began to stir in the liussian batteries. Pre- sently, though the smoke of the burning village lay heavy in this part of the field, our people could make out what the change M'as. Tt was one of •jreat moment to the Allies ; for the cnemv was limbering up, and l)eginning to cany off the sixteen guns whi(;]i up to this minute had barred the mouth of the Pass. The great road lay open. Kvaii»a-i- Evans understood the battle, lie acted iu- i-ineiiig. stantl^^ He saw that though he was weak, yet the moment had come for the advance of his three battalions. The 47th Pegiment under Colonel llaly had to