Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/375

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FIELD OF THE ALMA. 349 Raglan and Sir Edmund Lyons, the Allies would chap. • . • IIJ Iiave occupied the north side of Sebastopol with- ' out encountering resistance, and having done this they could have proceeded at once to execute the main purpose of the invasion by destroying the Black Sea fleet and the naval establishments of Sebastopol.* Nor was even this all ; for there is reason to believe that, by adding to their opera- tions the mere occupation of a point on tho road to Baktchi Seriii, the Allies would have secured the surrender of the south of Sebastopol, and have brought the campaign to an end."!* With the victory of the 20th of September Fortune offered Sebastopol to the Allies, but only, as I have said, on condition that they would lay instant hands on the prize.t That condition The first of ■'^ + . the ' lost Marshal St Arnaud rejected, by I'efusing to go on 'occasioim against the northern defences of the place. Wo shall have to make a reckoning of the 'lost occa- ' sions ' which followed the battle of the Alma. This one stands first. ' there was not, on this ground, any position where our troops

  • could await the enem}' with some hope of success, and with-

' out being exposed to find themselves in a most critical situa- ' tion in case of failure, Prince MentschikolFsaw himself obliged ' to renounce encountering the Allies on the north of tiie road- ' stead. Recognising, at the same time, the necessity of re- ' organising his troops, of completing his supplies of ammunition ' and food, of reinforcing the garrison of Sebastopol, and de- ' termining the measures necessary for its defence, Prince ' Mentschikoff took the resolve of transporting himself to tho • .south of Sebastopol.' — 'Defense de Sebastopol,' p. 215.

  • The authority for this conclusion will be given post, chap. v.

t And for this conclusion also. t Ante, last page of chap. i.