Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/21

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CONTENTS. xvu CHAPTER XI. Desire that the fleets should aid in the attack upou Sebastopol Question as to the part they might take, .... The French Admiral under the orders of General Canrobert, Lord Eaglan and Admiral Duudas, .... Lord Eaglan's letter to Dundas, The English seamen, ....... Their angry impatience, ...... Feeling and attitude of Lyons towards his chief. His resistance to Dundas encouraged by a Secretary ot State, Difficulty of resisting Lord Raglan's appeal, Dundas's consent, ..... loth Oct. IvTaval conference, . Its first resolution, .... Opinion of the English ship captains. Concurred in (the next day) by Lyons, . "What the English ship captains desired, Second resolution of the Naval Conference, Decision of Canrobert and Lord Eaglan upon the choice offered them, ...... Their joint letter to the Admirals, . The ill prospect this measure oflered to the Naval forces, 256 257 261 261 264 265 265 266 266 269 269 269 269 270 270 270 271 271 272 272 CHAPTER XII. Mentschikoft"s continued wish to withhold the aid of h iirmy, The remonstrance prepared by Kornilolf, Mentschikotf suddenly yielding, Reinforcements, ..... Admiral Istomin's stratagem, . Its success, ...... Strength of the garrison on the 9th Oct., Increased hopefulness of the endeavour to defend St Increased strength of Mentschikotf's held army. Its changed attitude, ..... The Allies now outnumliered, 'What was still the main hope of the garrison, field pol, 276 278 279 279 279 280 280 281 283 283 283 284