Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/35

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THE FLANK MAUCH. CHAPTER II. I. Before he moved forward on the mornin" of the chap. II '2oth, Lord Raglan saw Marshal St Aruand, but , found him in a state of bodily sufferinf? too acute stAmaua-a ■' _ " bodily stHltf. to allow of his taking part in business. The resolve of the foregoing night was to be executed in the following way : — -Leaving General (Jathcart with the 4th Division and the 4th Light Dragoons on the Belbec, in order that, for awhile, he might there maintain the communication with the Katcha, and be able to send the sick thither, Lord Eaglan determined that the rest of his armv, LordRag- a voiding the marsh in front which Lord Caidi- rositious ^ . for the fl:uik uan had reconnoitred, and bending at once to march. its left, should move straiglit up to the ground overhanging the head of the Sebastopol bay, and try to keep such a direction as to be able to strike the highroad between Sebastopol and Baktchi Serai at a spot described in the maps by the name of 'Mackenzie's Farm.' In that direction, accordingly, Lord Lucan was to proceed on re- connaissance with the cavalrv division; autl, the