Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/15

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CONTKNTS. Chapteu I. — continued. VII. The Light Brigade at the time of Scarlett's engagement, . 166 Its neutrality, ......... 166 Impatience of the brigade, .... • . . 166 And of Lord Cardigan, ........ 167 The surprise with which the neutrality of the Light Brigade was observed, . . . . . . . . .167 The cause which palsied the Light Brigade at the time of Scar- lett's engagement, ........ 169 Incident making the error more signal, . . . . .174 By bringing into public contrast the qualifications of Lord Car- digan and Captain Morris, . . . . . . .175 Lord Lucan'a message of reproof to Lord Cardigan, . . 179 VIII. Lord Raglan's instantaneous perception of the new phase into which the battle had passed, ...... 180 The change wrought in the position of the Russians by the defeat of their cavalry, ....... 181 Lord Raglan's purpose, . . . . • • . .182 Lord Raglan determining to use his cavalry, . . . .185 ' The third order,' 185 Lord Lucan's construction of it, . . . . . . 186 The impatience and anger amongst men of the Headquarter Staff, 188 ' The fourth order,' ........ 189 Captain Nolan, 190 IX. The position of the Russian army at the time when Nolan reached Lord Lucan, ....... Intentions of Liprandi at this period of the action, Lord Raglan's perfect apprehension of the state of the battl Two points in the enemy's position available for attack, . The valley that lay between them, ..... Position of our cavalry at this time, .... Arrival of Nolan with the 'fourth order,' 192 195 195 196 197 197 197