Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/373

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THK BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. 351 thought of this that they generously subscribed chap. out of their humble pittances to buy white loaves ' for the prisoners.* With the knowledge of the kindness thus ex- tended to our own people, it is painful to have to add that the Turkish prisoners were ill treated. With which of the two contending forces did with whom ° the victory ' the victory rest? If it be believed that — how- ever irresolutely — the Russians entertained the design of trying to break into Balaclava, the failure of their attempt would be a circumstance strongly bearing upon the question ; for when they ventured to descend into that South Valley by which Balaclava might be approached, they were instantly stopped at one point by the 93d Highlanders, and superbly defeated at another by Scarlett's Dragoons. If that were all, it might seem to follow that the palm was with those who repulsed the attacks ; but, on the other hand, it must be remembered that our Light Cavalry after seizing the twelve -gun battery and routing the main body of the enemy's horse was itself obliged to retreat, and that the Russians, though worsted in combat after combat, still were suffered to re- main in possession of the ground, the redoubts, and the trophies which they had won in the first hour of the morning. Upuii the whole, therefore,

  • General de Todleben communicated this to me, and I have

great confidence in the accuracy of the statement. The state- ment must not he understood as applying specially to the pris- oners taken at Balaclava.