Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 8.djvu/24

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CHAPTER IX. THE NOW ACTIVELY PERTURBING INTERFERENCE OF LOUIS NAPOLEON IN THE WAR FOR SEBASTOPOL. I. The hitherto paralysing interference of the French Emperor, . 241 Now changed into actively perturbing dictation, . . . 241 His visit to England, 241 The Council of War at Windsor Castle, . . . . .242 The Emperor's resolve to join his army, ..... 242 His agreement with our Government upon preliminary ques- tions, II. The Emperor's proposals, ....... 243 Acceptance by our Government of the preliminary arrange- ments, . . . . . . . . . .244 As recorded at Buckingham Palace, ..... 244 III. The Emperor's plan of campaign, . . . . . .244 His plan as regarded the ' 1st army of operation,' . . .214 That not objected to by our Government, . . . .245 The Emperor's plan as regarded the ' 2d army of operation,' . 245 Opinion formed by our Government of that last part of the plan, ........... 246 General purport of the entire plan, ..... 246 IV. The Emperor abandoning his intention of going out to the Crimea, 247 His letter of instruction to Canrobert, . . . . .247 V. 3d of May. The Generals in the Crimea accmaiuted with the imperial plan, ......... 250 The joy of Lord l'anmure, .251 VI. The frail basis on which it all rested, ..... 252