Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 8.djvu/410

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Note 3.The hopes he had entertained of being attacked by the enemy on the reopening of the bombardment.— His words were:— ' La non-attaque de nos lignes exterieures par l'ennemi a la re- 'ouvorture du feu, attaque qui paraissait tres-probable, et sur la- ' quelle j'avais fonde des esperances d'un succes plus d<5cisif que • celui d'lnkerman. ' To learn how conspicuously this disappoint- ment at not being attacked contrasted with Caiuobert's former moods, see ante, p. 85. END OF VOL. VIII. FHINTf.-D WT WILLIAM BT,ACKWr>OT> AND HON" 5