Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/18

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CONTENTS. Chapter V. — continued. VIII. Killed, wounded, and missing, ...... 129 Spoils, 129 IX. The Allies on their advanced front, ..... 129 Change experienced by the garrison and inhabitants, . 129 X. Continuance of the Third Bombardment, . . . .130 The losses it caused, 130 CHAPTEK VI. THE SIEGE AND DEFENCE CARRIED ON TO THE CLOSE OF THB FOURTH BOMBARDMENT. Continued strife between the French Emperor and iVlissier, . 131 Louis Napoleon unaware of the way in which his plan had collapsed, ....•••■•• 135 How the Emperor (against his own wishes) prevented all re- course to field operations, ....... 136 Course taken by Peiissier, 137 II. The affliction endured by Peiissier, 137 Its apparent effect on his judgment during nearly eight days, . 133 Changes during the interval undergone by Pelissier's mind, . 138 10th of June ; full accord between Peiissier and Lord Raglan, 139 PeTissier discarding the idea of assaulting the town front, . 139 His removal of Bosquet from command in the Karabelnaya, . 140 III. Designed movement on the Tchernaya 142 Main design of the Allies against the Karabelnaya, . . 142 Their plan of a preliminary bombardment, . . . .142