Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/9

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Kg*). CONTENTS. CHAPTER l. THE NEW FRENCH COMMANDER AND THE PROSPECTS OF VIGOROUS ACTION WHICH HIS LEADERSHIP SEEMED TO BE OPENING. — THE STRENGTH OF THE BELLIGERENTS. — THE PROBLEM AWAITING SOLUTION. — THE RESOLVES OF PELISSIER. — THE IMPENDING STRIFE BETWEEN HIM AND THE EMPEROR. I. PAOK Pelissier, .'. Accord between Pelissier and Lord Raglan, .... 4 Full discretion demanded, ....... 5 Prospect of the two generals being able to act in full concert, . 5 Concord also to be expected with the Sardinian contingent, . 6 And with Omar Paslia, 7 III. Strength of the Allies, 7 Of the Russians, ......... 8 IV. The problem to be solved by the Allies, ..... 8 V. Pe"lissier's resolves, . . . . . . . . .10 Prospect QfjJQJftn^strifejbetween Louis Napoleon and Pelissier, 13