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56 THE HATTLE OF INKEKMAN. CHAP, wards, by a message sent back from Mount lukcr- .. !. man, he revoked the detaining order, he drew to himself some 500 men more, and brought up the number of the reinforcements he furnished to 2200.* General Buller, who commanded the 2d brigade of the Light Division, had only one-third of the force at his immediate disposal, because nearly the whole of his 1 9th Kegiment, and the moieties also of his 77th and 88th regiments, were either in the trenches or out on picket ; -f- but he in- stantly hurried forward to Mount Inkerman the four companies of the Connaught Eangers then in camp, and very soon followed in person, with four companies of the 77th, thus bringing altogether to the aid of Pennefather, and in time for the first regard to the question whetlier they belonged to this or that brigade. Windham thouglit otherwise, but was mistaken. The 63d, for instance, marched off in company with the 21st.

  • 2217, viz :—

/57th Eegiment under Captain Ed. General Goldie's I Stanley, 196, (later) 151, . . 347 brigade. 20th Regiment under Colonel Horn, . 340 1 21st Fusiliers ,, Colonel Ainslie, 402 1st Rifle battalion under Colonel Hors- ford, . . . .278 4 companies of 68th Regiment under '^ Colonel Henry Smyth. . . I „(, . 2 companies of 46th under Captain j Hardy, . . . . j . 63d Regiment under Colonel Swyney, 466 t At first, there was only one company of the 19th in camp — viz., the No. 6 company, commanded by Lieutenant Lidwill ; but somewhat later Captain Ker'.s company came in, and a third one Ijeing afterwards formed under Captain Bright, Majot M'Gee assumed the command of all three. General Torrens's brigade,