Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/18

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Xll CONTENTS. Chapter VI. — continued. Home Ridge, Covered towards its left front by tlu- Jlikriakolf Spur, The Fore liidge, The atlvantages offered by the Eiiglisli Heiglits, And by the taperiug form of the Mount, The ground on Pennefather's right front. The Kitspur, ....... The Inkerman Tusk, ..... The brushwood clothing Mount Inkerman, The roads, The Fost-road, The old track along the bed of the Quarry Eavine, The Sapper's Road, Its western moiety — i.e., the West Sapper's Eoad, It eastern moiety — /.c. , the East Sapper's Road, Road along the channel of the Careenage Ravine, 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 75 II. Fixed batteries aud ships by which the Russian army might be aided in the battle, ....... Northern half of Mount Inkerman left in enemy's power. Slight ellbrts to strengthen the English position. The crest-work, ........ The ' Barrier,' ........ The dismantled Sandbag Battery, ..... The value of the Inkerman ground as a defensive position, 75 76 76 77 79 79 80 III. The ground close in rear of Mount Inkerman, 81 IV. Strength of the force under Pcnnefather in charge of Mount Inkerman, .......... The chain of outi)Osts there maintained, ..... 82