Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/545

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APPENDIX. 501 The English also had on Mount Inkerman 200 cavalry, consisting of the Light Brigade, under Lord George Paget, and afterwards under Lord Cardigan, and 36 pieces of field-artillery, with besides 2 guns of position, being th«  two IS-pounders under Collingwood Dickson. French Infantry. Boiirbaki's Brigade : Chasseurs, 4 companies, 450, 7th Leger 1st battalion 903, 6th of the Line 2d battalion 757, . 2115 D'Auteiuarre's Brigade : Algerines 2d battalion 757, 3d Zouaves (first one battalion, then the other) 1406, 50th (after deduction of 94) 1507, 3670 Brought up late under General Monet, 20th Leger 2d bat- talion 613, 22d Leger 1st battalion 1032, 2d Zouaves 2d battalion 789, 2432 8219 The French also brought up 700 cavalry (the 4th Chas- seurs d'Afrique), and 24 guns. furnished with infonnation which obliges me to say that the above offi- cial I'eturji of the strength of the 63d present at lukerman is not quite accui-ate. Major, then Lieutenant Kobert Bennett, was one of the officers of the 63d present at Inkerman, and he having, it seems, observed that ' the non-commissioned officer whose duty it was to make out the daily ' " States " usually showed a larger number than was to be found on ' parade,' formed the habit of counting the iiles himself. This he did on the Inkerman day, with the result of liuding that the rank and file num- bered only 368. To this number there would have to be added the num- ber of the oUicers, the sergeants, the bandsmen, and the drummers, but even then, the strength of the regiment at Inkerman would prove to be considerably less than the 466 above showi..