Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/557

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APPENDIX. 513 NOTE VII. Table showing the Numbers of the 2d Division out ON Picket or skirmishing as Picket-supports, and COMPUTING approximately THE NUMBER OF COL- LECTED Troops remaining available for the Second Period of the Fight, Pickets (each one company) furnished in ordinary conrse by the 2d Division on the 5th of November, . . 480 Two additional companies of the 55th understood to have been sent out skirmishing to the line of the pickets from the same regiment,* . . . . .108 One wing of the 30th (not the one with which Colonel Maul- everer acted in person) sent out skirmishing in support of the pickets, . .... 204 Total of picket force and skirmishers supporting them, ...... 792 Total strength of 2d Division, .... 2956 Deduct pickets and skirmishers as above, . . . 792 Total strength of troops not on picket, or sent out as skirmishers, . . . . .2164 Deduct 2d Division troops placed to guard the left rear — viz., wing of 47th, 286 ; and wing of 49th, 245, . . 530 Total of collected troops which, if no casualties had occurred in the mean time, would have re- mained to encounter the attack on Penne- father's centre and right, . . . 1634 This force was reduced by the effects of the fighting to perhaps about 1400 ; and one half of what thus remained

  • The main body of the 55th, after the reductions which it sustained,

was generally spoken of as a mere ' remnant,' with a streiigtli estimated at only 'about 100.' In these circumstances, I have ventured to iufer that the extra draft made from the regiment comprised two companies. VOL. VI. 2 K