Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/486

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442 M'PENDIX. NoTK 29.— In December and January alone the men brought into the ambulances, because stricken with frost-bite, were 2603. — ' Rapport,' pp. 72, 75. Note 30. — Of course the question, ' What is appropriate food ? ' depends upon a variety of circumstances, as — e.g., amongst others, upon the temperature and upon the quantity of work exacted. The principal medical officer of the French army thus states the cause of the scurvy afflicting Canrobert's troops : ' Les causes de ' I'invasion scorbutique sont, comme toujours, I'absence absolue ' de V(ig6taux frais, I'usage prolongs de vivres de campagne, et ' surtout I'usage de la viande saMe ; la fatigue, pas assez de repos, ' pas assez de sommeil, le froid, et I'humidit^. ' — Circular of the principal medical officer, ' Rapport,' p. 81. Note 31. — In chronicling the medical state for December 1854, the ' Rapport ' says, ' Le scorbut prend des proportions 6normes ' dans la flotte ' — p. 71. Note 32. — ' Dans le mois de Fevrier, le scorbut prend un d^- ' veloppement considerable, et menace d'envahir toute I'arm^e. ' — ' Rapport,' p. 81. Note 33.— Ibid. Note 34.— 836 in March, and 963 in April, making 1799.— ' Rapport,' pp. 89, 91. Note 35.— Ibid., p. 565. Note 36. — If a thousand men are brought into hospital for recognised scurvy, and five thousand more 2vho hare had the same fare are brought in for some of the intestinal maladies, as — e.g., for dysentery, it is certain, I learn, that the five thousand, though also afflicted by other complaints, must be more or less heavily suffering from the effects of the scorbutic taint. Note 37. — Of the 23,250 French soldiers disabled by scurvy, a large proportion were men attacked in the second winter. Speaking of the month of December 1855, the ' Rapport ' says, ' Le scorbut ' envahit I'arm^e ; le nombre quotidien des nouveaux scorbutiques ' est au moins 100 ; ' and speaking of the next month — January 1 856 — it says, ' Le scorbut prend des proportions effrayaiiles, ' pp. 120, 121 ; and the expression, though strong, had its warrant, for the numbers admitted into the ambulances durmg that one month alone were no less than 3980. The Chief Officer of the Council of Health reports thus on the 31st: ' Le scoi'but ne