Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/418

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388 APPENDIX. liavo ascertained that, in their general character and in their details, they so essentially differ from the basis of negotiation agreed upon on the 31st of December at Con- stantinople, and approved on the 13th January at Vienna, that they have not considered them to be such as should bo forwarded to the Government of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan. It consequently only remains for the undersigned to transmit the annexed document to their respective Courts, and to Avait till they shall have taken their final reso- lutions. (Signed) BUOL-SCHAUENSTEIN. BOURQUENEY. WESTMORELAND. ARNIM. The Earl of Westmoreland to the Earl of Clarendon.— {Received February 13.*) Vienna, February 8, 1853. My Loiiu, — I have just left the Conference to which Count Buol had this morning invited me, in conjunction with my col- leagues. Upon our assembling, he stated that ho had no proposal to make to us ; but in consideration of the per- fect union existing amongst us upon the Eastern Question, he thought he was forwarding our common objects by com- municating the despatclies he had addressed to Count Esterhazy, for the purpose of being submitted to Count Nesselrode. Count Buol then read to us tlicsc despatches. The first • i.e., just one fortnight before England despatched the hostile sum- mons which broucht her into a state of war.