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take care to do exactly as I agreed; yet I must confess, my dear Mobarec, that, if I obey the Sultan of the Genii, it is not without reluctance. The damsel I have married is so charming that I am tempted to carry her to Bussorah and place her on the throne."

"Alas! sir," answered Mobarec, "take heed how you give way to your inclination. Whatever it costs you, be as good as your word to the Sultan of the Genii."

"Well, then, Mobarec," said the prince, "do you take care to conceal the lovely maid from me. Let her never appear in my sight—perhaps I have already seen too much of her."

Mobarec made all ready for their departure. They returned to Cairo and thence set out for the island of the Sultan of the Genii. When they arrived, the maid, who had performed the journey in a litter, and whom the prince had never seen since his marriage, said to Mobarec: "Where are we? Shall we soon be in the dominions of the prince my husband?"

"Madam," answered Mobarec, "it is time to undeceive you. Prince Zeyn married you