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One morning a soldier presented himself at King Sudraka's palace gate, and asked the porter to secure an audience for him.

Having gained admittance to the King's presence, he bowed and said:

"Your Highness, I am Vira-vara, a Rajpoot, who seeks employment."

"What pay do you ask?" inquired the King.

"Fifty pieces of gold a day," replied the soldier.

"And what will you do in return for so much money?" said the King.

"I have two strong arms, and this sabre, which shall be devoted to your Majesty's service," answered the Rajpoot.

"You ask too much," said the King, "and I am afraid I cannot retain you, but I will confer with my Ministers about you."

Then the King spoke to his Ministers, who agreed that the stipend asked was very large,