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They now were bent on taking the work into their own hands.–Morley.

There may have been a time when a king was a god, but he now is pretty much on a level with his subjects.–Jowett.

They both are contradicted by all positive evidence.–W. H. Mallock.

Religious art at once complete and sincere never yet has existed.–Ruskin.

Not mere empty ideas, but what were once realities, and that I long have thought decayed.–C. Brontë.

So that he might assist at a Bible class, from which he never had been absent.–Beaconsfield.

If we would write an essay, we necessarily must have something to say.–Bygott & Jones.

The protectionists lately have been affirming that the autumn session will be devoted to railway questions.–Times.

Visitors no longer can drive in open carriages along the littoral.–Times.

It still is the fact that his mind...was essentially the mind of a poet.–Times.

To whom in any case its style would have not appealed.–Times.

To go wrong with not is an achievement possible only with triple compounds, where the principal division is of course between the finite (would) and the infinitive with participle (have appealed). 'Would not have appealed' must be written. though at an enormous sacrifice of 'distinction'.

This enhanced value of old English silver may be due partly to the increase in the number of collectors; but it also has been largely influenced by the publication...–Times.

Mr. Fry showed to a very great extent his power of defence...To-day, if runs are to be of importance, he very likely will show his powers of hitting.–Times.

47. Overloading

A single sentence is sometimes made to carry a double burden:

So unique a man as Sir George Lewis has, in truth, rarely been lost to this country.–Bagehot.

The meaning is not 'Men like Sir G. Lewis have seldom been lost', but 'Men like the late Sir G. Lewis have seldom been found'. But instead of the late a word was required that