Page:The land of enchantment (1907, Cassell).djvu/109

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“‘Don’t you see the blue smoke a-rising from it?’” (p. 101)

“When it got dark we daren’t show a light, as, of course, we didn’t want the pirate to know we were a-coming. Suddenly the look-out forrud yells, ‘Luff—luff your ’el-em. Man overboard!’ We'd a narrow shave of running down something that showed white in the water. A boat was lowered, and away she went in chase in charge of the mate, while we shortened sail and waited for her. When she came back the mate sings out for hoisting tackle, so we rigs up a pulley on the main-yard, and hoists the something they’d picked up a-board—and what d’ye think it was, Master Charles ?”

“A big chest,” suggested Charlie, “which contained treasure.”

The old sailor chuckled. ‘No, Master Charles, ’twas just a poor shipwrecked sailor, and, come to look, a Frenchy. He was bound