Page:The land of enchantment (1907, Cassell).djvu/111

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was the furrin barque, sure enough, and we were a-coming up with her hand over hand, By-and-by we fires across her bows, which brought her to instanter, and then we ranges up alongside. The captain of the furrin barque calls through his speaking-trumpet a parley-vousing in the French lingo. Directly I claps my eyes on him I says to our skipper, ‘That’s him, admiral; that’s the pirate captain. I should know him anywheres!’”

“Our captain tipped me the wink, and then he hollers back, ‘All right, but we’re just a-going to pay you a friendly visit!’

“With that a hundred and fifty bold Jack Tars, each armed to the teeth, boarded the barque, headed by yours truly. When the pirate chief sees me, he turns white about the gills and gives a kind of gasp; then he pulls hisself together for to brazen it out. Says he, ‘You have no right aboard a harmless trader, and, what’s more, you’d best beware how you insult the French flag!’

“‘French flag!’ I answers him; and putting my hand in the breast- pocket of his overcoat, whips out his handkerchief, which I had noticed, being keen of sight. ‘French flag, indeed—pray what do you call that?’

“‘Twas the pirate flag, white skull and crossbones on a black ground, which he’d stuffed in his pocket to conceal it like!

“‘No, no,’ says I, ‘that won’t wash; the game’s up, and so I won't deceive you. All our guns are double-shotted, and a broadside will blow you into smithereens!‘

“On hearing these words the two or three pirates on deck fell on their knees and howled for mercy.

“‘You must leave that to the admiral,’ says I; ‘meanwhile, summon the rest of your miserable crew, and let them stack arms, every mother’s son.’ So they came up the hatchway, gave up their guns and cutlasses, and were put under a strong guard; but the pirate captain was delivered over to the admiral. ‘O—you villain,’ says he, ‘I can’t a-bear to look at you; hanging’s too good for the likes of you. Howsomever,’ says he, a-turning to the crew, ‘to the yard-arm with him, my hearties!’ So’we strung up the pirate chief, and there he dangled as a warning to all evil-doers.

“‘Now, Ben,’ says the captain, drawing me aside confidential-like, “and what shall we do with the rest of the gang?’ ‘Admiral,’ I answers him pat, ‘do as you said you would—give ’em beans.’ I then told him as how the furrin barque was from the Indies, laden with Tonquin