Page:The land of enchantment (1907, Cassell).djvu/44

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“He was already
hard at work”
(Pp. 36).

out his promise to make a slave of the maker of ghosts and work him to “skin and bone.”

Suddenly a shadow dimmed the lights! The dancing instantly stopped, and with a dread of some impending danger the scared dwarfs crowded hurriedly together. To their horror the shade was followed by a huge cock, which flapped its wings and crowed most lustily “Cock-a-doodle-doo!”

Out went all the lights, and, with shrill cries of alarm, the yellow dwarf and his subjects vanished.

The maker of shadows and the ground-gnome hurried to the side of the maker of ghosts. He was much exhausted, but after a time he revived, and then the maker of shadows and the ground-gnome set to work with their picks and shovels to fill their baskets with the experience.

When they had got as much as they could carry, they prepared to go; but, on looking for the passage which they came in by, they found there were a dozen zigzag passages, all just alike! The silk cord would