Page:The last of the Mohicans (1826 Volume 2).djvu/92

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ing his camp filled with such prattling hussies as yourself!"

"Alice laughingly followed her sister, who instantly led the way from an apartment, where she perceived their presence was no longer desirable. Munro, instead of demanding the result of the young man's mission, paced the room for a few moments, with his hands behind his back, and his head inclined towards the floor, like a man lost in deep thought. At length he raised his eyes, glistening with a father's fondness, and exclaimed—

"They are a pair of excellent girls, Heyward, and such as any one may boast of!"

"You are not now to learn my opinion of your daughters, Colonel Munro."

"True, lad, true," interrupted the impatient old man; "you were about opening your mind more fully on that matter the day you got in; but I did not think it becoming in an old soldier to be talking of nuptial blessings and wedding jokes, when the enemies of his king were likely to be unbidden guests at the feast! But I