Page:The lay of the Nibelungs; (IA nibelungslay00hortrich).pdf/209

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Their folk were cloth’d by Siegfried and Siegmund worthily.
And Eckewart the margrave gave orders speedily
To seek out women’s raiment, the best that could be found,
Or anywhere be heard of in Siegfried’s lands around.


The saddles and the bucklers began they to prepare.
And to the knights and ladies who should the journey share,
Was given whate’er they wanted, that they might fail in naught.
Unto his friends full many a noble guest he brought.


The heralds did not loiter upon the journey home.
And soon the gallant Gere to Burgundy was come,
Where right well was he welcomed: they then alighted all
From chargers and from palfreys before King Gunther’s hall.


The youths went and the elders, as men are wont to do,
To ask what might the news be. Then spake the good knight true:
“When to the king I’ve told it the rest of you shall know.”
Then straightway with his comrades did he to Gunther go.


The king, in joy to see them, rose quickly from his chair.
That they had come so swiftly also from Brunhild fair
Received they thanks, while Gunther unto the envoys spake:
“How fares it now with Siegfried? much wrought he for my sake.”


Then spake the gallant Gere: “For joy his face grew red,—
Both his and your fair sister’s; and ne’er was message sped,
From any man of honour unto his friends, more true
Than Siegfried and his father by me have sent to you.”