Page:The leopard's spots - a romance of the white man's burden-1865-1900 (IA leopardsspotsrom00dixo).pdf/295

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gracious way she made me feel at home this morning completely won my heart."

"I can do anything with Mama. She's the dearest mother that ever lived. She always seems to know intuitively my heart's wish, and, if it's best, give it to me, and if it's not, she makes me cease to desire it. I wish I could manage Papa as easily."

"I'm sure he idolises you, Miss Sallie."

"He does, but when he lays the law down, that settles it. I can't move him one inch."

"That's the way with forceful men, who do things in the world."

"Well, I confess I like to have my own way sometimes. I wonder if you are like that?"

"I'll be frank with you. Somehow I never could be anything else if I tried. I don't think a man of strong character will yield to every whim of a woman, whether wife or daughter."

"I heard of a man the other day who whipped his wife," she said in a far away tone of voice. "Come, my horse is ready, go with me for another ride to-day. I am going to take you across the river and show you a pretty drive over there."

They were soon lost in the deep shadows of the stately pine forest that lay beyond the Catawba. The road was a cross-country narrow way that wound in and out around the big trees.

They jogged slowly along while he bathed his soul in the joy of her presence. Oh, to be alone and near her! There seemed to him a magic power in the touch of her dress as she sat in the little buggy so close by his side. For hours, again he lay at her feet and drank the wine of her beauty until his heart was drunk with love.

Once he opened his lips to tell her, and a great fear awed him into silence. He longed to pour out to her his