Page:The letters of William Blake (1906).djvu/185

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2. "Ruth and her Mother-in- Law and Sister"; 3. "The Three Maries at the Sepulchre"; 4. "The Death of Joseph"; 5. "The Death of the Virgin Mary"; 6. "St. Paul Preaching"; and 7. "The Angel of the Divine Presence clothing Adam and Eve with Coats of Skin."

These are all in great forwardness, and I am satisfied that I improve very much, and shall continue to do so while I live, which is a blessing I can never be too thankful for both to God and man.

We look forward every day with pleasure toward our meeting again in London with those

Robertson, Esq. Water-colour, 1458 x 1378 inches. Joseph, on the point of death, lies, clothed in white, with clasped hands, his head resting on Our Lady's knees, upon a bed covered with a purple coverlet. Our Lord, white-robed, bends anxiously over him. Above is a bright rainbow, in which many angelic heads appear.

v. G. ii. p. 213, No. 46. Now in the possession of W. Graham Robertson, Esq. Water-colour, 1458x1412 inches. Companion and similar in design to the preceding. Two white-robed angels kneel at Our Lady's head and two at her feet. St. John, also in white raiment, stands over her with clasped hands.

vi. G. ii. p. 213, No. 44. Sold by Thomas Butts (Junior) at Sotheby's, 26th March 1852. Subsequently in the possession of Mrs. de Putron; present whereabouts unknown. Water-colour.

vii. G. ii. p. 214, No. 49. Now in the possession of W. Graham Robertson, Esq. Water-colour, 1538x 1118 inches. The Angel of the Divine Presence, an ancient figure of great stature, with white hair and beard, and robed in white, encircles Adam and Eve with his arms, as they stand before him, girt about with sheep skins, their heads reverently bended and their hands clasped. A flaming altar stands on either side, and two palms by each of these overarch the central figures with their green fronds.

All of the above (with the possible exception of No. 6, which I have not seen) are signed and dated 'W. B. in v. 1803.'