Page:The librarian's copyright companion, by James S. Heller, Paul Hellyer, Benjamin J. Keele, 2012.djvu/339

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  1. library exemption continued
  2. damaged or deteriorating work, replacement of, 80–82
  3. fair use, relationship to, 69, 92–93, 106
  4. lost or stolen work(s), 80–82
  5. qualifying for, 70–75, 77
  6. library reserve, see reserves, library
  7. licensing agreements, 20, 93, 112, 125–50, 182–83
  8., 135
  9. linking, 22, 121
  10. Marx Brothers, 185
  11. Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom Research and Library Reserve Use, 59–62
  12. moral rights, 20, 31–32
  13. motion pictures, 5, 29–30, 150
  14. streaming and rental, 161
  15. musical works, 5, 26–28, 149–50
  16. National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Work (CONTU), see CONTU Guidelines
  17. newsletters, 47–49, 53
  18. non-print works, 5–7, 105–06, 170–71
  19. sculptural work, 5
  20. notice of copyright, 7–9, 19, 75–77
  21. off-air taping, see Guidelines for Off-Air Recording of Copyrighted Works for Educational Use
  22. open licenses, 181–82
  23. originality, 5, 13
  24. orphan works, 175–77
  25. out-of-print works, see unpublished or out-of-print works
  26. parody, 44–45
  27. patents, 2
  28. Patriot Act, 103
  29. performances and displays, 116–17, 179–80
  30. educational purposes, for, 163–66, 168–70
  31. for-profit institutions, 166
  32. guidelines, 167
  33. in libraries, 159–61
  34. licenses for, 159
  35. section 110 exemptions, 162–66, 168–70
  36. periodicals, 47–53, 81, 97–102
  37. permission to copy, 67–68, 149–50, 174–80
  38. perpetual access, 107–08
  39. photographs, 13, 150, 170–71, 176
  40. pictorial works, 5, 179–80
  41. public domain works, 9–13
  42. public performances, see performances and displays
  43. published works
  44. lost, stolen, damaged, or deteriorating copies, 80–82
  45. publishing, library, 173–74, 182–83
  46. Record Rental Amendment Act of 1984, 26–27
  47. Register of Copyrights, 17, 69, 79, 93, 176, 177
  48. related or concerted copying or distribution, 94–95
  49. remedies, 33–35
  50. repositories, institutional, 173, 178
  51. reproduction, 22–23, 46–56
  52. reserves, library, 60–62
  53. reserves, electronic, 61–67
  54. rights of copyright owners, see copyright owners’ rights
  55. routing, 47–53
  56. sculptural work, see non-print work
  57. Section 108 Study Group, xi, 69, 79
  58. shrinkwrap license, 28, 110–11
  59. single user license, 112
  60. site license, 112
  61. software, see computer software
  62. Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, 16, 104–05
  63. sound recordings
  64. lending of, 26–28
  65. sovereign immunity, see government immunity
  66. speeches, 7
  67. state government works, see government works
  68. statute of limitations, 25–26, 37–38
  69. STM, see International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers
  70. stolen works, see library exemption, lost or stolen works