Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/134

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122 The Library. DUBLIN. THE MUSEUMS AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS. It has been found impracticable to hold the meeting of the Museums As- sociation which is to take place in Dublin this year immediately before or after that of the Library Association at Belfast, as was origin- ally intended. It was hoped that this arrangement would have enabled members to attend both meetings without inconvenience, but the latter body, the London correspondent of the Birmingham Post states, has not seen its way to change the usual period of its annual meeting in September, when Lord Dufferin is to preside ; while it has been decided that the Dublin meeting will be held in June, Professor Valentine Ball, Director of the Dublin Museum of Science and Art, occupying the chair. FAREHAM. At the monthly meeting of the Fareham Local Board held on March 2, Mr. Sandy moved that it was desirable to adopt the Public Libraries Acts in Fareham. The matter dropped, and Mr. Sandy intimated he would bring it up again. GLASGOW. "Dry rot in the Mitchell Library" is the announce- ment which confronts us in a Scot's newspaper, and after the first start we are in one sense relieved to find that it only affects the flooring. Considering the recent opening of the new building it is rather serious, however, to be told that the whole of the flooring of the large reading- room will have to be renewed. HARTLEPOOL, WEST.- Mr. A. Watkins, sub-librarian of the Minet Library, London, has been appointed librarian here, out of a selected list of candidates. LONDON : BRITISH MUSEUM Every man-of-letters ought to rejoice that Mr. Baron Pollock has decided the points of law against Mr. and Mrs. Martin in the action they brought against the trustees and chief librarian of the British Museum. Of course the plaintiffs may appeal, especially as the finding of the jury lent some support to their case, and it is possible that the law of libel may be even as they allege. But if it be, then only one conclusion of any importance follows the law must be amended. The possible causes of action for libel on the shelves of the British Museum Library are practically limitless if Mr. Baron Pollock be wrong in his law. LONDON : CHELSEA. The second exhibition of illustrated books in the reference room of the Public Library was held on April 5th, from 3 to 9.30 p.m. A great improvement has been effected here by the recent installation of the electric light. LONDON : ST. PANCRAS. An effort is being made to secure the adoption of the Public Libraries Acts in this parish. LONDON : STREATHAM. On March 5, the Commissioners de- cided to open the reading-rooms on Sundays. REDRUTH. At the Local Board meeting held on March 12, in ac- cordance with a special notice sent to the members of the Board in January last, it was proposed by Mr. Tweedy, seconded by Mr. Carkeek,