Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/293

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Library Notes and News. 281 AYR. At a recent general meeting of the Carnegie Public Library Committee it was reported that through Mr. Birkmyre, the member for the Ayr Burghs, a gift was to be made to the library of about 200 volumes of Record Office Publications. Mr. Quintin Blane (clerk) submitted a financial statement for the year ending May 31. The total income (including a balance of ^276 145. nd. from last year) was ^850 133. 3d., being 163 135. 4d. in excess of the expenditure for that period. The building account showed a balance against the library of about ,1,520. The librarian (Mr. G. B. Phillips) reported that for the nine months ending May 31 (end of library year) which is since the library was opened, 81,544 books had been in circulation in the Lending Library, or a daily average of 392. The library had been open 208 days, the lowest issue on one day being 113, and the highest 745. Over 4,000 readers had now being enrolled. The books on the whole had been fairly well used ; not a book had been lost. Since opening 569 volumes had been added, there were now over 11,000 volumes in the lending department. Per- centage of works read : Religion 1 1.4 ; Science and Art 3.1 ; Fiction 74.3 ; Biography, History and Travel 8.5 ; General Literature 3.3 ; Poetry 1.4 ; Bound Magazines 8. CHELTENHAM. The Public Library has been enriched by a legacy of ^500, bequeathed by the late Miss Grace Isabella Buchanan. The conditions attached to the gift are that the money be spent in books of a standard nature for the Reference Library. COLCHESTER. The new Public Library is to be lighted by electricity. DUDLEY. On July 24, the Countess of Dudley opened the branch libraries at Woodside and Netherton. EDINBURGH. In the Architect of July 20, appear the elevation and detail of entrance of the Edinburgh Public Library. ENFIELD. On July 24, Mr. F. A. Bevan opened the Public Library. GRANTHAM The books forming the well-known "Chained Library" at Giantham have recently been repaired, re-arranged, and catalogued. GRAVESEND. During the month of June, 2,671 separate works were issued from the Lending Library, or an average of 103 a day. Since the opening of this department in January, 14,555 books have been issued for home reading to borrowers, the number of tickets issued by the libra- rian amounting to 1,202. Cancels through borrowers leaving the town, however, reduced the number of actual borrowers to 1,168. The present library stock consists of about 4,000 volumes. GRIMSBY. A site for the Free Library and Technical Schools, con- sisting of 1 1 ,000 square yards has been decided upon. Subject to the sanc- tion of the Local Government Board to the lease for ninety-nine years, the erection of the combined institutions will be proceeded with very shortly.