Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/326

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LIBRARY CHRONICLE. flew Scbeme of Xfbrars Hssocfatfon Examinations. At the i;th Annual Meeting of the L.A.U.K. held at Belfast, the following report, recommending important changes in the Syllabus of Examinations, was adopted, and will take immediate effect. Those persons, however, who have already passed in two subjects under the old syllabus will be entitled to enter for the remaining subjects in order to complete their certificates if they send in their names before December ist, 1894- The list of Text Books will be published later. REPORT ON EXAMINATIONS, Your Examiners beg leave to recommend that the Preliminary Examination should no longer be held, and that all future Examinations be restricted to professional subjects only. All candidates (except those who have been engaged in library work during five years previous to the Examination) should possess a certificate of having passed some public examination from among the list of those accepted by the General Medical Council. The Examination should consist of three sections : (1) Bibliography and Literary History. (2) Cataloguing, Classification, and Shelf Arrange- ment. (3) Library Management. Each section might be taken separately, and certificates pro tanto granted as heretofore. Handwriting, spelling, and composition should be taken into consideration by the Examiners. The Honours Certificate should be dropped. The special object of the Examination as a test of the practical competence of the candidate should be held in