Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/331

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Jottings. 319 SALISBURY. Mr. Langmead, assistant librarian at Newport, Mon., has been appointed librarian. WAKEFIELD. The question of adopting the Public Libraries Acts has been referred by the Town Council to the General Purposes Com- mittee for consideration. Settings. IN the Sunday School Chronicle of August 23rd, is a list of 200 books suitable for a Sunday School Library. THE Sketch of September 5th contained portraits of Dr. Richard Garnett, Dr. Sullen, Mr. Charles Welch, Mr. Henry R. Tedder and Mr. J. Y. W. MacAlister, and Black and White, of September 29th, contained a copy of a photographic group, taken at Belfast, which included the Marquis and Marchioness of Dufferin, and several leading members of the Association. IN the prefatory memorandum of Mr. Gomme's County of London Loans outstanding, 1893-4. Return to order of Finance Committee dated February 14, 1894, he refers to Library Commissioners as one of the special bodies whose functions " except in one case," are limited to the parish area. The exceptional case is that of the Holborn Library Com- missioners. This would lead the reader to imagine that Holborn is the only district in London which has taken advantage of 55 and 56 Viet c. 53. There are two others, St. Giles and St. George, Bloomsbury and Whitechapel. In this return Mr. Gomme has attempted to recognise those parishes which have adopted the Public Libraries Acts by putting in column n, the word nil where there are no loans outstanding. Lambeth, and St. Paul (Covent Garden), are omitted. The loans out- standing by the Public Library Commissioners are stated as follows : Percentage to total rate- able value of London. 1892-3 I893-4 1892-3 1893-4

1 34, 1 60 ; 1 56,669 -40 -47

IT is important to know that each volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is obtainable in four parts for 75. 6d. each ; consequently, anyone desiring to study a special article need not purchase a volume. For instance, the well-known article on " Libraries," by Messrs. Tedder and Thomas, may be had complete in Part 55. This article is prescribed as a text-book in the syllabus of the L.A.U.K. examinations. IN a well-known Educational Library, Der Meister, the organ of the disciples of Wagner, is regularly placed along with the Journal of Education and other pedagogic literature ! THE Daily Chronicle has published a series of letters on the " Classi- fication of Literature," beginning with a long communication on Sep- tember 1 8th from Mr. J. Taylor Kay, of Owens College, Manchester. IN the London Figaro for September 6th, appears a trenchant indictment of public librarians. Among other nice things it is said that their work is " almost entirely of a childishly simple and routine character " and that " they often receive ridiculously high salaries, to which a residence, with lighting and firing, is not infrequently added."