Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/376

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364 77^ Library. LEUCHARS. The parish library, given by Mrs. Pitcairn, of Pitcullo, was formally handed over to the library committee on October ist, when an address on <; Reading" was delivered by Principal Donaldson, of St. Andrew's. LINCOLN. Mr. Henry Bond, borough librarian of Kendal, has been appointed chief librarian of the Public Library at Lincoln. Colonel Seeley, M.P. for West Nottingham, has presented the committee with the sum of i, 200 for the purchase of books, and Mr. W. Crosfield, M.P. for the city, has given ,100 towards the expenses of fitting up the premises. LONDON. On September 26th a young man was sentenced to one month's imprisonment for stealing books from the Kensington, Putney (see THE LIBRARY, September), and Wimbledon Public Libraries. LONDON : FINSBURY PARK. On September 29th, Mr. Charles Welch, F.S.A., the librarian of the Guildhall, opened the Free Library, which will be dependent on voluntary subscriptions, about ^150 being required yearly. LONDON : POPLAR, Mr. W. Pelham Bullivant, chairman of the Public Library Commissioners, opened the Public Library on October 3rd, which has been erected in High Street, at a cost of ^7,000. The site was purchased for ,2,000. NELSON. On September 2oth the technical section of the Free Library and Technical School, which had been erected by the Corpora- tion at a cost of about ,12,000, exclusive of site, was informally opened by Alderman Greenwood, the chairman of the Technical Instruction Com- mittee of the Corporation. NEWARK. Sir William Gilstrap, Bart., has promised to provide books for a juvenile department, and to pay an assistant to manage it. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. The Library of the Literary and Philosophical Society, which was destroyed by fire on February 8th, 1893 ( see THE LIBRARY, vol. 5, p. 56), was re-opened on October ist. NOTTINGHAM. The fifth season's half-hour talks about books and authors in connection with the public reading rooms commenced on Monday, October i$th, when the Rev. G. Bishop spoke on "The Study of English History." Other talks will be given weekly throughout the winter months. Among the subjects to be treated before Christmas are " Glimpses of Nottinghamshire Worthies," " Folk-lore," " Charles Kingsley," " Wordsworth," " Ruskin," " Dickens," " Charles Lamb," tk George Eliot," &c. OXFORD. In a letter in the Daily News of October loth Mr. E. W. B. Nicholson, Bodley's librarian, appeals for help for the Bodleian Library. Miss Lucy Toulmin Smith, eldest daughter of the late Toulmin Smith, author of The Parish, &c., has been appointed librarian of Manchester College. ST. HELENS. On October 2nd, Col. D. Gamble, C.B., laid the foundation stone of the new Library and Technical Institute which he is presenting to the town. WALTHAMSTOW. Mr. Passmore Edwards opened the Public Library on September 29th. The building has cost ,2,350.