Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/419

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Library Notes and News. 4 o7 workhas D be?n : - ^Fh^?^ n VGl deveI P me <" of free library padsh of Ham^l H by the library and museum commissioners of the mecfof lanfK, They have caused to be erected on a triangular Heath st?oM ^ S Uth - end Green (^most adjoining Hampstead o P en T - air " ews P^er stand, upon which will be affixed f aers wil1 be HILL --Mr. Edwin Lawrence has pre- number tO thls librar y> which is his th ^ gift of a similar LONDON : KENSINGTON (NORTH).-Samuel Blake, a musician, recently disturbed the harmony of this library by appearing on the scene and assaulting the assistant librarian. For his drunken behaviour he was fined 275. or 21 days. LONDON : LINCOLN'S INN. -Mr. A. F. Etheridge, sub-librarian of the Codrmgton (Law) Library in All Souls' College, Oxford, has been appointed librarian of Lincoln's Inn Library, the salary being ^400 ^ LONDON : LINDLEY LIBRARY.-Mr. W. Roberts, in the Gardener's Chronicle of December 8th, makes some interesting suggestions towards the development and utilisation of the Lindley Library of horti- cultural books. LONDON: PADDINGTON.-The Paddington Free Library is now removed from Praed Street to No. 7, Bishops road. LONDON : ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE. The Bar Library has just acquired sets of the legislative enactments of the various English colonies, and a complete set of the legislative acts and codes of India. LONDON: ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. This new institution contains the collection of books and pamphlets on the art of printing and kindred subjects formed by the late Mr. William Blades, and comprising nearly 3,000 volumes. It has also a technical library, consisting of modern books on printing, paper-making, book- binding, and the allied trades, presented by Mr. Passmore Edwards. LONDON : SHOREDITCH. Mr. J. Passmore Edwards has pro- mised the Shoreditch Library Commissioners a contribution of ,1,000 towards the erection of their second library in Pitfield Street as soon as they are ready to have the foundation stone laid. This offer will bring up Mr. Edwards' donations to the Shoreditch libraries to ^5,250 and 1,000 books. The Commissioners have accepted the offer, and have resolved that the new library shall be called the " Passmore Edwards Library." LONDON : SOUTHWARK. Mr. R. K. Causton, M.P., opened St. Saviour's Public Library, Southwark, on November 2nd. It was to have been opened by the Prince and Princess of Wales, but they had been called out of the country in consequence of the illness of the Czar. The building comprises a newspaper-room, magazine-room, reference library, and lending library. The latter department is already stocked with