Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/425

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Visit of the Library Association to Cardiff. 413 I have said there should be concerted effort. My meaning is that a librarian, having learned of a newly-bestowed title upon a person con- nected directly with the world of letters, should at once communicate the fact to the Editor of THE LIBRARY, and so enable others to share the knowledge. Whether the suggestion is practicable or otherwise I leave others to consider and determine. That there are difficulties in the way there is no doubt. One, I fancy, may prove insuperable ! Mr. Jones, librarian to the Chiltern Hundreds Free Library, feeling confident that his ever-busy confrere, Mr. Robinson, of Stoke Pogis, will be sure to find and contribute whatever is worthy of mention, makes no effort to do his part in the work. And, unfortunately, the Mr. Jones are so many, and the Mr. Robinsons so few. HENRY E. CURRAN. Zlbe Local aovetnment Hct, 1894, an& Xon&on Iparisbes. The following letter sets at rest the question as to whether London Parishes are or are not affected by section 62 (i) of this Act. Local Government Board, Whitehall, S.W., 3 ist December, 1894. SIR, I am directed by the Local Government Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the i$th instant, and to state that they presume that the question referred to therein really is whether section 62 (l) of the Local Government Act, 1894, applies to a London Vestry. The sub-section provides that where there is in any urban district or part of an urban district any authority constituted under any of the Adoptive Acts (which include the Public Libraries Act) the Council of the dis- trict may resolve that the powers, duties, &c., of that authority shall be transferred to the Council as from the date specified in the resolution, and upon that date the same shall be transferred accordingly and the authority shall cease to exist, and the Council shall be the successors of that authority. In the opinion of the Board this enactment does not apply to a London Vestry. I am, sir, your obedient servant, S. A. PROUT, Assistant Secretary. J. V. W. MACALISTER, Esq., F.S.A., 20, Hanover Square, W. Dfsft ot tbe SLibrars Hssocfation to Carfcfff, A MEETING of the Free Libraries Committee was held on December i8th in the Town Hall, Cardiff, under the presidency of Councillor E. W. Shackell. On the reading of a letter from the Town Clerk with reference to the chairman holding a dual position, Councillor E. W. Shackell intimated that he would resign his position as vice-chairman of the property and markets committee in order that he might retain his chairmanship of the libraries committee. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. E. Seward for his gift to the Free Library of a series of