Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/437

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Fulham Public Library: Franklin T.
Barrett appointed Librarian, 222
Fyfe, Prof. John, 316
GAELIC Library of Free Church College,
Glasgow, 405
Garnett, Dr. Richard,
On the Royal Colonial Institute, and
Colonial Literature, 219
On Public Libraries/the Case of Martin
v. British Museum, &c., 299
Germany :
" Una Visita ad alcune Bibliolhece
della Germania," &c., by Giulia
Sacconi-Ricci, 118
Hanover : The Royal Public Library
and the Guelph Museum, 124
Leipsic Free Music Library, 125
" Incunabula der Koniglichen Univer-
tats-Bibliothek zu Bonn," by Dr. E.
Voullieme, 322
Matriculation Booksof Heidelberg, &c.,
Prof. Meissner on, 386
Gilburt, Joseph, on Readers in the Lend-
ing Library, 74
Gladstone's (W. E.) Gift of St. Deiniol's
Library to Hawarden, 89, 318, 363,
" 406
Glasgow Free Church College Library,
Glasgow : Mitchell Library :
" Concise Guide," 151
E. L. Campbell's Bequest, 253
Purchase of Mr. Morgan's Library,
Dry Rot in the Flooring, 122
Glasgow and the Public Libraries Acts,
Gloucester and the Public Libraries Acts,
 5 I
Gorton, see under Manchester
Goschen, G. J., opened St. George,
Hanover Square, Public Library (July
, '94), 246
Gosse, Edmund, Library of, 257
Gould, Miss Lillian, 318
Government Publications supplied free
to Public Libraries, 67
Grantham Chain d Library, 281
Grants in aid 01" Technical Education,
see under Technical Education
Gravesend Public Library :
Lending Library opened (Jan. I, '94),
8 9
Report, 281
Grays Public Library opened (Feb. 12,
'94), 89
Grimsby and a Public Library, 253, 281
Guelph Museum, Hanover, 124
Guildhall Library :
"The Guildhall Library and its
Work," by Charles Welch, 28
Deeds relating to Old City Charities,
added, 151
" Gutenburg Bibles and the Researches
of Karl Dziatzko," by Leopold Delisie,
HAGGERSTON, W. J M Death of, 189
Hailstone's (Edward) Bequest to York
Minster Library, 181
Halifax Public Library : Two Branch
Libraries opened (Nov. 17, '94), 406
Hall, Henry Thomas, 404
Hammersmith Public Library : W.
McDouall appointed Assistant Libra-
rian, 254
Hampstead Public Library :
Henry Harben's Gift, 254
Henry Morley Library, 254
W. E. Doubleday appointed Libra-
rian, 282
Open Air Newspaper Stands, 407
Hanover, see under Germany
Harben's (Henry) Gift to Hampstead,
Harlesden, see under Willesden
Harrison, John, appointed Librarian at
Bromley, Kent, 252
Harrison, Robert, on the Letters of
Gabriel Peignot, 159
Hartlepool, West,
Newsroom opened (May 9, '94), 253
A. Watkins appointed Librarian, 122,
Foundation Stone of New Building
laid, 406
Hawarden : St. Deiniol's Library, 89,
, 363, 406
Hawick Public Library :
George M'Nairn appointed Librarian,
Charge for Readers' Cards, 282
Heating, &c., of Aberdeen Public
Library, A. W. Robertson on, 95
Heginbottom Technical School, see
Hereford Public Library: Report, 275
Heywood Technical School: Gift from
Thomas Kay, 406
" Hieroglyphic Bibles," by W. A. Clous-
ton, 260
Highgate Hill Library: Gift from
Edwin Lawrence, 407
Holborn Public Library : Author-Cata-
logue of Lending Library, 183
Holden Library, see under Ripon
Holland's Clandestine Press ; Letter,
Holmes's (R. R.) " Specimens of Royal,
Fine, and Historical Bookbinding at
Windsor Castle," 258
Home's (H. P.) " Binding of Books,"