Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/439

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May Women Vote ? 24
Authority to Collect Voting Papers, 25
Powers to enforce Rules and Regula-
tions, 27
Passing and Rescinding Resolutions to
appoint Library Authority, 250
Privacy of Meetings of Library Com-
missioners, 415
Qualification of Commissioners, 415
Committee of District Council, 416
Compound Householders, 276, 277
Adoption of Act, 278
Adoption of Act in Ireland, 277
Libraries Act in Parishes, 278
The Parish Councils and the Libraries
Acts, 278, 307
The Local Government Act, 1894, and
London Parishes, 413
The Penny Limit, 25, 293
Collection of Library Rate, 277
Charge for Collection of Rate, 26
Unexpended Balances, 26
Rating of Libraries, 276
Technical Instruction Grant, 23, 24
Grants from County Council to Pur-
chase Books for Technical Instruc-
tion, 26
Public Libraries and Lectures, 32
Use of Lending Libraries, 278
Closing of Library Premises, 415
Stamping Vouchers, 251
Charge for Readers' Cards, 227, 278
Martin v, British Museum, 122, 304
Leicester Public Library :
Meeting of the North Midland Library
Association, 33
Catalogue of Books relating to Leices-
tershire, 84
Supplementary Catalogue of Central
Lending Library, 84
Belgrave Branch opened (Apr. 10, '94),
I5 1
Robbery, 253
Leicestershire, Books on, 84
Leigh Public Library opened (Sept. 26,
'94), 363
Leipsic Music Library, 125
Lending Libraries : How to Read the
Readers, by Joseph Gilburt, 74
Leuchars : Parish Library handed over
to Library Commissioners, 364
Lewisham Public Library :
Second Supplementary Catalogue of
Perry Hill Branch, 183
W. W. Fortune appointed Sub-Li-
brarian, 318
Leyton Public Library, 253
Libel : Mr. and Mrs. Martin v. British
Museum, 122, 304
Librarians :
Examinations of L. A. U.K., 158; Let-
ters, 229, 292, 323, 416
New Scheme for Examinations, 314
Summer School, 1894, 158, 227
Plea for Assistants, 417
Library Staffs ; Letter, 188
Attack on Public Librarians in the
Figaro >, 319
Librarians and the Public Press ; Let-
ter, 230
The Public Librarian and Till-
Honour, by H. E. Curran, 412
Lambeth Libraries Literary and Deba-
ting Society, 369
Women Librarians, see Women Li-
Libraries (see also under Public Li-
braries) :
American versus English Libraries, see
under American Library Work
Paris and London Libraries ; a Con-
trast, by G. R. Humphery, 126
The Librarian's Dream, by A. J. Ed-
munds, 231
In the Lending Library, by Joseph
Gilburt, 74
Libraries and the Board Schools, see
under Juvenile Libraries
" Libraries in the Medieval and Renais-
sance Periods," by J. W. Clark, 289
Libraries not under the Public Libraries
Acts, see British Museum, Guildhall,
London Library, Royal Colonial Insti-
tute, Royal Courts of Justice, Lincoln's
Inn, People's Palace, Post Office,
Bethnal Green, Finsbury Park, Cripple-
gate, Bodleian Library, Oxford, Cam-
bridge University, Liverpool, Manches-
ter, Glasgow, Aberdeen University,
Belfast, Dublin, &c., &c.
Library Appliances, Library Work (see
also Legal Notes and Queries, Public
Libraries, Cataloguing, Classifica-
tion, &c.) :
Indicators verstis Card-Charging : Let-
ter by J. A. Stephens, 35
London and the Cotgreave Indicator ;
Letters, 324, 417
The Charging System at Horsens,
Denmark, A. S. Steenberg on, 78
Open Shelves in the Lending Library
at Clerkenwell, see under Clerken-
Open Shelves at Darwen, 405
Charging for Borrowers' Tickets, 86,
, 277, 282
Tickets for Students at Ashton, 280
Stamping Vouchers, 251
The " Star " Method of arranging a
Lending Library, by Thomas Mason,
263 ; Illustration, 361
Mechanical Methods of Displaying
Catalogues and Indexes, J. D.
Brown on, 45