Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/447

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Index. 435 An Early Printing Press as described by Thomas Hearne, F. Madan on, 158 G. R. Redgrave's " Erhard Ratdolt," 223 Dr. E. Voullieme's " Incunabula der Koniglichen Universitats-Bibliothek zu Bonn," 322 " Les Bibles de Gutenberg d'apres les Recherches de Karl Dziatzko," by Leopold Delisle, 365 UNITED STATES, see America University Libraries, see Cambridge, Oxford, Aberdeen, Germany Uzanne's (Octave) " Bouquinistes et Bouquineurs," and " The Book- Hunter in Paris," 30 VASENIUS'S (V.) Charging System, A. S. Steenberg on, 78 Vatican Library : Charles Sayle on, 327, 371 Theft of Treasures, 411 Ventilation, &c., of Aberdeen Public Library, A. W. Robertson on, 95 Verney, Sir Edmund, entertained Mem- bers of the L.A.U.K. at Claydon, 185 Vicaire's (Georges) "Manuel de 1' Ama- teur de Livres du XIX. Siecle, 1801- 1893," 120 Village Libraries (see also Blaenau Fes- tiniog, Drumoak, Stainford, Oving- ham, Claydon, &c.) : Yorkshire Village Libraries, Butler Wood on, 37 Proposal for the Establishment of District Public Libraries on an Economical Basis, by J. J. Ogle, 42 The Village Library Problem Dum- friesshire and Travelling Libraries, J. D. Brown on, 99 Circulating Village Libraries of the National Liberal Club, 147 Books read by Rural Communities in Massachusetts, 153 " Visita ad alcune Bibliothece della Svizzera," &c., by Giulia Sacconi- Ricci, 118 Voters' Opinions as to the Adoption of the Acts, &c., see under Legal Notes Vouchers, 251 Voullieme's (Dr. Ernst) "Incunabula der Koniglichen Universitats-Bibliothek zu Bonn," 322 " Voyage d'un Livre a travers la Bibho- theque Nationale," by Henri Beraldi, "5 WAKEFIELD and a Public Library, 257, 319 Wakefield : Y.M.C.A. Library . (Jan. 4, '94), 92 Wales and the Public Library Move- ment, see Aberystwith, Bangor, Car- diff, Merthyr Tydvil Wales, Prince of, opened Camberu.ll Central Library (Oct. 9, '93), 67 Walker, George, on Aberdeen ; IK Literature, Bookmaking, and Circulat- ing, 238, 266 Walthamstow Public Library opened (Sept. 29, '94), 364 Warner's (George F.) " Library of James VI. of Scotland," 119 Warrington Public Library : Catalogue of Lending Department, 229 Waterford : Public Libraries Acts adop- ted (Mar. 27, '94), 153 Watkins, A., appointed Librarian at West Hartlepool, 122, 406 Watson, D., on the Annual Meeting of the L.A.U.K. ; Letter, 292 Weaste, see under Salford Welch's (Charles) "Guildhall Library and its Work," 28 Welldon, Rev J. E. C, opened Kilburn Public Library (Jan. 3, '94), 92 West Ham Public Library : Canning Town Branch ; Catalogue, 184 West Indies Public Libraries, J. R. Boose on, 401 West Stow : Library opened by Earl Cadogan (March 8, '94), 124 White's (Gleeson) " Book-Song," 117 Widnes Public Library : Loan, 92 Foundation Stone laid, 257 Wigan Public Library : Catalogue, Letter G, 182 Gift from Lord Crawford, 284 Willenhall Public Library: Mortgage Debt on the Building, 409 Willesden : Kilburn Public Library opened by Rev. J. E. C. Welldon (Jan. 3, '94), 92 Harlesden Public Library opened (Feb. 14, '94), 93 Wimbledon Public Library : Sunday Opening rejected, 153 Theft of Books, 364 Windsor Castle Library : " Specimens of Royal, Fine, and Historical Book- binding in the Library," by R. R. Holmes, 258 Wolverhampton Public Library Tech- nical College, F. Turner on, 168 Women Librarians : Miss Richardson on, 137 Women Assistants at Manchester, 152 Women on London Library Committee, 222, 254