Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/77

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Mechanical Methods of Displaying Catalogues and Indexes. 65 Books. L. A. Trans., 1878, pp. 8-9 ; 1872, p. 6 : 1880, p. 9. 1878. Thomas (E. C.) Proposed Index to Collectaneous Litera- ture. L. A. Trans., 1878, p. 88. 1879. Cambridge University Library. Rules to be observed in forming the Alphabetical Catalogue of Printed Books. In Cambridge University Reporter, 1879, pp. 768-71. 1879. L. A. U. K. Report on Title Entries, L. A. Trans., 1879, p. 8; do. 1880, p. 5; Cataloguing Rules, 1880, p. 174; Title Entries, 1881, p. 6; Cataloguing Rules, 1881, 83 ; Report on Illustrations to the Cataloguing Rules, 1883, p. 8; Cataloguing Rules as revised at Liverpool, Lib. Chron., 1885, ? 2 5' See also Lib. Assoc. Year Book, 1890, &c. [These Rules are for Author and Title Entries only, and were published separately, as well as in the publications noted above.] 1882. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Compendious Cataloguing Rules for the Author-Catalogue, 1882. [Includes a Size- Notation. See Monthly Notes, 1883, p. 5-9 and 31-33; Lib. Jour., 1883, p. 298-301 : Lib. Assoc. Year Book, 1893, P- 57-1 1883. American Library Association. Condensed Rules for an Author and Title Catalog. Lib. Jour, 1883, p. 251-54, 263-64. 1884. Garnett (R.) Photography in Public Libraries. L. A. Trans., 1884, p. 66. 1884. Perkins (F. B.) San Francisco Cataloguing. Public Libraries. A Manual of the System used in the San Francisco Free Public Library. San Francisco, 1884. 1886. Fletcher (W. I.) Co-operative Cataloguing. Lib. Jour. y 1886, p. 74; Nation, vol. 42, p. 147. 1886. Library Notes. Card Catalogues. 1886, p. 33-42. 1886. Garnett (R.) Card Catalogue Systems. Lib. Notes, 1886, p. 182. 1886. Library Notes. American versus English Catalogs. 1886, pp. 179-95. 1886. Schwartz (J.) A Dozen Desultory Denunciations of the Dictionary Catalogue, with a Theory of Cataloguing. Lib. Jour., 1886, p. 470. 1887. Library Notes. Library Handwriting. 1887, p, 273. 1888. Garnett (R.) Prof. Dziatzko's Cataloguing Rules. Lib. Chron., 1888, p. 166.