Page:The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy (Volume 1).pdf/92

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cutors, and assigns, in their actual possession now being by virtue of an indenture of bargain and sale for a year to them the said John Dixon and James Turner, Esqrs. by him the said Walter Shandy, merchant, thereof made; which said bargain and sale for a year, bears date the day next before the date of these presents, and by force and virtue of the statute for transferring of uses into possession,—{bl}} that the manor and lordship of Shandy in the county of ———, with all the rights, members, and appurtenances thereof; and all and every the messuages, houses, buildings, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, backsides, tofts, crofts, garths, cottages, lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, marshes, commons, woods, underwoods, drains, fisheries, waters, and water-courses;—to