Page:The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner- who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America (IA lifestrangesurpr01defo).pdf/376

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Books Printed for W. Taylor,

18. The Religious Philosopher, in 2 Vol. The third and last Vol. is in the Press, and will shortly be publish'd.

19. The Annals of King George, in 4 Vol. 8vo.

20. Dr. Desaguier's Hydrostaticks, 8vo.

21. Bishop Beveridge's Thoughts, in 2 Volumes 8vo. with Cuts.

22. ——— The same in 12mo.

23. ——— His Sermons in 12 Vol. 8vo.

24. ——— His Thesaurus, in 4 Vol. 8vo.

25. ——— His Necessity of publick Prayer and frequent Communion.

26. ——— His Exposition of the 39 Articles of the Church of England.

27. Mr. Spinckes's sick Man visited. Third Edition, 8vo.

28. Dr. Woodward's fair Warnings to a careless World. Adorn'd with Cuts.

29. Dr. Barrow of Contentment, Patience, and Resignation to the Divine Will, 12mo.

30. Advice to a Son: Directing how to demean himself in the most important Affairs of Life, 12mo.

31. Mr. Kettlewell's Works, in 2 Vol. in Folio.

32. Bishop Taylor's Holy Living and Dying, 8vo.

33. ——— His Golden Grove, 12mo.

34. ——— His Life of Christ will shortly be put to the Press, with new Cuts, design'd by the best Masters, Folio.

35. Bishop Patrick's Devotions, 12mo.

36. ——— His Christian Sacrifice, 12mo.

37. Archbishop of Cambray, of the Existence of God, &c. 8vo.

38. Mr. Whiston' Theological and Mathematical Works.

39. Dr. Quincy's Compleat English Dispensatory, 8vo.

40. Cato, a Tragedy. The ninth Edition. By Mr. Addison, 12mo.

41. The Distressed Mother, a Tragedy. By Mr. Phillips, 12mo.

42. The Careless Husband, a Comedy. By Mr. Cibber, 12mo.

43. The Justice of Peace's Vade Mecum, 12mo.

44. Militia Law. Being an Abstract of all the Acts of Parliament relating to the Militia, &c. 12mo.

45. The Compleat Sportsman; with all the Laws relating to the Game.

46. The Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum, 12mo.

47. The Turkish Spy continued, Vol. 1. 12mo.

48. Compleat History of Witchcraft, Magick, and Sorcery, 12mo.49. Logick: